What is Brundhild, What is Preventive Technology?

Faq – Brunhild were armoured maidens kept for Security of Princes and Princesses during Germanic era who will always raise an alarm if observe any danger.

Preventive security is a technology based setup which combines AI and Sensors to sense any harmful or unsafe situation and raises alarms immediately to prevent it from happening. E.g, a child below 10 years, if enters the swimming pool area and no swimming couch or security personal detected, then it might be dangerous for that child and an alarm is raised immediately to the nearest security persons.

How Brundhild is Related to Security?

As a technology company, Brundhild is in a children safety and security space. We create, what a child needs around him, smartly. Security and Safety being their most important need, we started with that first. Our core focus is Preventive security, hence before-hand prevention of the unsecure circumstances.

How it is Different From Other System Available for School?

None of the exiting systems being used for “Security” at schools or buses are preventive in nature. These systems, whether biometrics or GPS or CCTVs etc are just good for access control and tracking are primarily used for post-incident Investigations. None of these predicts or prevents any incidents. Where as Brunhild , a new age technology, detects Intelligently and alarms immediately.. whether its in the school or in the school bus, during regular hours or during functions or events.

Being Preventive in nature,. Alerts the school authorities before something “expected to happen”. Where as Other technologies are Reactive

We Already Have iCards and CCTV in the School and GPS Tracking in the Buses. How Easily Can Your System be Adopted?

We just need the current icards to be placed on out devices. The your currents infrastructure of CCTVs and GPS can be reused in a much smarted way by this system and will in fact complete it. The entire implementation cycle is just one week.

What are Other Advantages of the Brundhild?

Faq – In addition to Security, which is the basic need of a child, it also provides preventive Health safety for children. It triggers alerts at various situations, in case the child and some condition and is restricted to follow some activity or a food.

What are Its Benefits to School?